Weaving Culture & Tradition Since 1990

Touch of Class is inspired by India's beautiful rich culture and tradition that brings the royal touch to our everyday life. Although, many things are lost in modern life, we still cherish our cultural rituals and tradition whenever possible. Let it be a celebration of one's birth or marriage or be it a tea party or a social business meeting, we take opportunity to represent our great tradition of attire, rituals and bring it to the 'class' that we still believe is best above all modern availabilities.


      Art in everyday life was gift of the India to the world. Starting from mural walls of a makeshift home to a place of worship, all were made with remarkable understanding of utility while adopting the finest class of art that still wonders the world. Let it be the art of ventilation & natural light or variety of food or adoring ones personal appearance with jewellery and costume, India set the milestones that dates back to at least 5000 years. No wonder that world's largest and most advanced Roman empire set trade with the ancient India irrespective the distance it needed to travel. Indian continent is believed to be the birthplace of art in architecture, farming, textile, food, jewellery, literature and medicine besides fine murals and metallurgy. It remained center of trade to the Romans, the Mongolians, Mughal of the Persia and as far as to the Mayans for over 4500 years till a new world order took place during 16th century. It is obvious that Europeans, Persians tried to control this land for long as it was so advanced and full of glory achieving a state of art beyond everyday life. Political and bloody wars between various factions of rulers with each other and with foreign invaders spanned from the beginning of the 16th century continued till middle of 20th century bringing Independent Indian Republic. This era changed priorities of Indian life where trade was taken over by loot and patronage by slavery. Despite such extreme hostile atmosphere, art remained at its lowest yet survived finding some patronage and admirers within invaders and local rulers. These testing times proved the mastery and sustainability of Indian soil that gave birth to numerous art forms irrespective its divide with religion, culture and rule.


      'Soul' that used to be deeply incorporated in each object made by the artisans who seldom known to this world. Creativity with great details and uniqueness of each individual artisan was far superior than today's well trained ones, yet made easily accessible and affordable to all. In golden era of India, patronized by Rajah's and Royalties, art took new dimensions and found a place to celebrate one's creativity and dedication. Each piece of object became a class of its own. Progressing with time, adding dimensions and colors, the essence of creativity and art remained same. With passage of time many things changed disconnecting its past and in search of future. Those painstakingly hand-made artefacts, paintings, crafts, jewellery or textiles are being replaced by machine made variants those appear rather similar but without the 'soul'. Today it is becoming very difficult to find artisans who still have the 'soul' to incorporate and dedicate in every object. Race towards the 'material world' and 'competition within' making it exceptional than ever. Never than before it is essential to patronise these artisans or it will become 'History' in no time. Art and Culture is inheritance that identify each of us to our roots. In the 'new flat world' of global boundaries, it is more appropriate to define our roots and cherish them with others erasing those thin line of origin yet celebrating with pride. It is responsibility rather than necessity that each individual take their share in revival of ART, let it be the Indian or from anywhere in the world.


       Touch of Class is established with the very reason to promote and cherish the ancient Indian art that flourished since the human race recognized the beauty of nature. With this aim we are presenting our series of Paithani Art (Sarees, Fabric, Costumes and Decorative Furnishing) and Maratha Art & Collectibles. Each piece presented here is made with the protocol that was followed thousands of years ago with the 'soul' and 'dedication' by our artisans who inherited this art from generations within their family. Some of them are not necessarily trained by modern techniques but yet possess the finest qualities of maker that can not be matched unless decades of hard work and experience put together.


       One may wonder why we choose Paithani Art over other Arts of the India. Indeed the tremendous facets of Indian Art amuse us to choose upon but our cultural ties and affection with Maharashtra makes it natural for us. We lived and loved this countryside for over seven generations and are fortunate to inherit some of finest collection of artefacts and textile from the region. Having associated with many Princely State rulers and royalties, it was rather straight forward to embark on this path. We are also fortunate to receive blessings and continuous support from top Indian Corporate Industrialist and Individuals around the world.


       Our reasons of existence is to bring you the finest quality of Paithani art made with the heart and soul that will fill joy, comfort and richness to everyone. It is our sincere effort to re-establish the great quality of art for those who adore, respect and cherish Indian culture & tradition. We believe that each Touch of Class Paithani will create the legacy and become a heirloom for generations. There is no better person than mother and no better inheritance than Mother's Paithani.

 Touch of Class! Paithani

: Inspiration :

This miniature painting by Rashmi Tapadia forms core philosophy of Touch of Class. It portrays a Royal woman performing religious rituals while holding her child close to heart. It depicts a royal touch in her attire, love of mother and devotion to religion, culture and tradition being the pillar of a family. Touch of Class brings you a great legacy of Culture, Tradition and Love that cannot expressed in a more beautiful and profound manner.


Thanking you,